About This Course

The 'Confident Cancer Caregiver' is a course dedicated to enhancing your quality of life as a caregiver. Education, preparation, and organization are cornerstones of this journey, and everything you find here you'll be able to use right away so you can make the next best decision for your situation. My hope and intention is to spare caregivers additional stress, mental exhaustion, and physical burn-out because you will learn to be proactive, prepared, and on-purpose.

The Theme of This Material is To Be On Purpose and Proactive Each Step Of The Way!

Here's Why ...

Family caregivers, YOU!, are one of the most important sources of support.

Family caregivers provide an average of 18 hours a week caring for their loved one, with almost one-third of family caregivers providing an average of 62 hours of care a week.They help with an array of activities including eating, bathing, dressing, managing finances, performing medical/nursing tasks, managing multiple and complex medications, coordinating care among multiple providers and settings, and paying for services to help their loved ones such as home modifications, transportation, or a home care aide.

With such a demand from family caregivers, these caretakers face a cost to their own well-being. In juggling personal health, work, and caregiving responsibilities, many caregivers make workplace accommodations, including leaving their jobs. Family caregivers (age 50 and older) who leave the workforce to care for a family member lose, on average, nearly $304,000 in wages and benefits over their lifetime. These estimates range from $283,716 for men to $324,044 for women. In addition, family caregivers may pay out-of-pocket for services whose costs add up over time.

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